This converted DAF lorry was a Library in a previous life. Owned by Berkshire Council and based near Reading. I completed a residential conversion and she is now ready to visit music festivals, golf courses around the UK etc. However the new owner may wish to instal solar panels, and complete the plumbing work inc. My builder had to stop work due to 2 new hips. I have not fitted a kitchen as I was conscious about the weight and I prefer to eat out! She has done an exceptionally low 31,500 miles (50,690 Kilometres) so the diesel engine has hardly been run in. It has a sleeping capacity of 4, a gross vehicle weight of 7500 KG, and a manual transmission. It was registered in 2004. The vehicle features include an small oven, fridge, fixed double bed, 2nd double bed hinged to wall, TV, heater, radio, and fridge. It also comes with a V5 registration document.